

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Almost a nightmare to me!!!! Nearly lost photos......Picasa, foolproof your program

It gave me a fright when I opening up my Picasa today, suddenly one of my folder is gone! I manage to catch a glimpse of it before it is gone, which make me wondering, what happen?

The only thing I remember is that the folder was importing when the Picasa update pop up and ask "There is a new update, do you want to update now?". As a programmer myself, I know that it is no good to do it during an operation, so I try to click "No". Now, the problem with netbook is that, the keyboard and touchpad is smaller size, hence, I accidentally click "Yes". So, the next thing I know is the "update" hang, the Picasa also hang, which leave me with the only option.....yes, I kill both processes.

Then, I reopen the Picasa, and it seems like the folder was imported successfully, which leave me happy and praise the programmer of Picasa for 24 hours (Yes, I praise them until now. :P). And now, it is gone!!!!!!! How can it be? It is in Picasa yesterday, it is in the HDD folder yesterday (Yes, I always check the physical copy is exists everytime after import), and now, it is gone!!!!! Don't know that Picasa actually apply Chipsmore concept (Now you see it, now you don't).

So, it left me with only 1 choice - file recovery from the SD card (Yes, I know I shouldn't select the delete file after import option, but I'm a lazy programmer. :P). First, I try to recover using the SanDisk Recovery Pro. It is very pro indeed, it turns my .raw2 (LX3) into JPG/PNG/TIFF and my recorded .mov into thoussands of JPG. So Pro.......and it takes 20mins to scan through my 8GB SD card.

So, I got no choice but to use Google (Damn, I realized that I can't live without Google. :P) to search for a better file recovery program, and most importantly.....it must be free. So, I saw another one which is called "PhotoRec" (sounds pro right?), so I downloaded it and give it a try. The program file is small, around 1.5MB only, which make me so excited since the software size is so small. When I fire it up, I was stunned.........a software without GUI in year 2010 is so wrong.......

Next, try to search for another one again......and I found GlarySoft Undelete, the name, so so only, but the file name is nice, it is called "gunsetup.exe". I fire it up, the interface looks clean and simple, press search on my SD card.......Whoaaaa........10 seconds, it shows all my lost file in its explorer!!!!!!!! Press on "restore", 2 mins......done!

So, lesson learned:
1. Don't ever update your Picasa while importing photo.
2. Don't use the option "Delete after import" in Picasa.
3. Always have a file restore software ready (Just in case anything happens, except if your card is burned)
4. Google is human after all, they do make mistake. :P

Lastly, if you interested with the free software, here is the link: http://www.glarysoft.com/gun.html

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