Well, I was thinking, why not give it a try, see will get the chance or not. Hence, I went to Exora's website, go through the "myth or fact" flash game, I entered in my information. While I didn't put a high hope on that I'm gonna be selected, I got a call from Proton end of June that I'm selected! :P
After double, triple confirmation call from Proton, I got the e-mail from them on the details of the VIP test drive. While I was thinking about bringing my whole family to give it a try, it ends up I can only go with my life partner -> my wife. :P From the hint I got, seems like it is gonna be a fun day for both of us. :)
The venue is set at a heritage site - Penang Suffolk House. When I first knew about the venue, I really blur.....because I had never hear about this at all (damn, even after 10 years stay in Penang. :P). So, I ask my best friend again -> Google. :P and seems like there are lots of site talking about it. And the official one is here.
When the day (03-07-2011) reach, we packed up and firstly send our kids to their grandparents first. When we reach there, we were 15 minutes late. :P Fortunately we are not the last....kekeke.....
It was drizzling in the morning, when we reach there, we were handed a nice blue proton umbrella for us to walk from car park to the main building of the Suffolk House. The umbrella really nice, I was hoping they'll give one to each of us, but no luck. :P
1985 to 2010, Proton 25 years already.......:P
After registration, we were passed a copy of the test drive programme schedule...
I took a look at the schedule, well, there are really lots of things gonna happen throughout the day, and seems like the real test drive only take around 1 - 2 hours.
Hmm.....there is even child development talk......:)
There is even a session about styling by Datin Sharifah.
And the best part about the test drive......a chance to win RM6000.00. :P
And that is not the end of it, there is still door gift and SPA voucher.....nice!
So, after the registration, we head towards the restaurant for......free breakfast! :P
The restaurant has 2 parts, indoor and outdoor seating. We chose the indoor seating...
The ambience is nice, the only thing is that the air-cond is at floor level, so you have to choose your seat wisely, else you'll be frozen. :P
It is buffet style breakfast, there are quite some choices. As usual, I took the bun and butter, scramble eggs with toasted bread, plus pastry, pair it up with a cup of hot coffee......
Wife happy, so am I. :P
Concentrate on the food.....
Nyam nyam.....
After the breakfast, there were still some time for us to kill before the program started. So, time for photo shooting. :P
At the entrance of the restaurant, there are some certificate displayed. I don't really take a look at it, so no idea what was those for.
Main hall leading to the restaurant. At the far end of the picture is the entrance to Suffolk House.
Lots of information board around the compound, which explaining the history and the restoration work done for the place.
The place even got an award of distinction for Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards.
There is a gift shop, you'll need to ask for help from the office to enter it.
Bamboo plants in the garden...
some of the old structure left outside the building.
Staircase leading to the upper floor...
Wooden top ceiling...
The upper floor hall, where the main event is held...
The tripod for the video cam, damn nice! :P
The beautiful chandelier which light up the room...
View from bottom.
The door open to the other side of the hall...
The event started around 10.30am, where there is introduction to the Proton crew, briefing on the day event and the test drive program, with the introduction of the Exora's feature and specifications. After that all the participants were splitted into 2 team - Team A and Team B. There are total of 12 Exora (hopefully I remember correctly. :P) and I'm in Team A car number 3...
As usual, I'm the one driving while my wife is figuring out how to use my 60D. :P
Following behind the red car #2 while listen to the instruction given by the lead car through walkie talkie.
Nice information panel, there are indicator of car door opening for each door, like! :P The most important......cruise control.....lol....:P
The steering wheel, don't know why I keep have a feeling that the steering wheel is small.....:P There are radio control and the handsfree answering button on it, airbag included. :P
This is how you drive an Exora. :P The gear panel looks too shiny, tad the cheap outlook, prefer it to be mesh.
The center control and the cd player, there are bluetooth handsfree feature as well. As usual, it is a Clarion unit. :P
Closer look at the cd player.
The gear knob is nicely done, and again, make the gear panel mesh please!!!!!
The GPS navigation unit come with Exora H-line, didn't try to use it, not sure how good is it.
arm rest for front passenger and driver. When it is down, it kinds of blocking the access to the handbrake, so it feel a bit awkward when you try to pull up the handbrake. If can change the handbrake to foot brake (like Rondo and Freed), should be nice. :P
The glove box at the front passenger side...
Sun visor with mirror for the front passenger, all the ladies will like this.
Door handle and auto window siwtch, was hoping that the plastic quality can be better.
2nd row and 3rd row seat, wide and comfy, nice!
Closer look at the 3rd row seat, wife can sit at the 3rd row comfortably, it is just ok for me. :P
The dvd player, nice nice. The sound is transmitted through FM to the cd player unit, still the sound quality are good.
So, we head out from Suffolk House towards Padang Kota Lama (Esplanade), for some really special testing on the Exora.
The setup at Esplanade, really surprise me and it seems like they had book the whole place there. There are police guarding the entrance to the car park area as well.
So, here come the first test on the Exora -> ABS testing. Yes, it means that you just slam on the accelerate pedal all the way.......and when you reach the cone, SLAM THE BRAKE!!!!! Shiok ar!!!!!!
After that, this is where you make a U-turn to start again. :P It feels nice for the first few times, after that you'll feel tired on your right leg. :P
Half of the Exora parked nicely besides while the other half being "tortured" through the ABS exercise.
2nd challenges, stuff the luggage into Exora! How fast can you do it? We did it in 29secs. :P Of course the bags are empty.
The 3rd challenge, blindfolded parking. This is the most fun one, we were supposed to do it in 2 minutes, with my wife giving instruction, we actually take our sweet time to go in and out the parking lot for nnnnnnnnnnn times. End up we took 6 minutes to complete it. :P lol......first time in my life that I was try to do side parking blindfolded, not bad. :)
While we are doing all the stunts, it attracts attention from tourists and passerby...Some even took photo.
After all the challenges, here come the busy part...interview! Again, 1st time in my life I ever get interviewed.
The videographer...we had a little chat about photography during lunch time.....in cantonese....lol....damn.....eventually they are all coming up from KL.
The interviewer...
The white #3 Exora......the one I was driving...
Another view of it.
Well, that conclude the test drive of the Exora, after that is time to be back to Suffolk House for free lunch!
It is really nice to back to cozy and air-conditioned restaurant after a few hours out. And the best part is the lunch is waiting for us. :P They even prepared a menu.
We were given choice of chicken or fish for the main course, while the appetizer and dessert is fixed.
Looks like the restaurant is managed by the same group as the Mansion 32.
Even the seats are fixed, just find your name and seat. The "C" = chicken and "F" = fish.
The standard appetizer, bun and butter.
Always like this, and the best is that the bun is warm. :)
Mushroom soup! Creamy and full with mushroom.
The happy couple. :P
Here come the fish.
Closer look.
The chicken.
Another view. I personally like the chicken more than the fish. :P
The dessert, bread and butter pudding.
Some random shots around the restaurant.
Drop my pen's cover on the floor, and discovered the nice old flooring...
The Advance Styling course...
And we were selected to give it a try. :)
Then, the other course about financial planning -> How to save money to buy an Exora (just kidding. :P). The talk is actually inspiring. We were taught to start saving by keep all the one dollar note into the box, everytime you have one. Once it is full, get the money and save it up.
Then, tea time! lol......really nice event, feel like eating non stop. :P
Tea corner at Suffolk House.
One of the view around the place.
The other corner of the garden.
Happy wife before we call it a day...
So, we didn't get the RM6000.00 first prize, but at least we got the consolation, which is RM200.00 cash. Not bad as well. There are door gift before we left, it is a goodies bag, with a cute notepad for kids, a proton pen, recycle bag and towel (for girl)/torch light+multipurpose tools (for guy).
Last look at the Suffolk House before we hop on our Kenari to go home...
And we found out if we came here by ourselves, each person need to pay RM10.00 and seems like no photographing allowed. :P
Overall, it is a nice event, since I had lots of 1st time experience here......:P
Suffolk House GPS coordinate: 5°24'39"N 100°18'19"E
Suffolk House fb fan page: https://www.facebook.com/suffolkhouse?ref=ts&sk=wall
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